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Weary of purchasing leads that don't result in sales? Have you had enough of marketers selling you leads? We are also sick of it! Reach out to us right away to discover how Impact Roofing Media can transform your roofing business into a dominant force in the sector.

Takes less then 1 minute!

Its time to do something different.

Official Partners Of Impact Roofing

It’s the eternal problem for all $1 million, $5 million and $10 million-plus roofing companies.

How do you scale to new levels of revenue and profitability, when the leads you're getting are:

1. Low-quality – often from people who are ‘just looking’ rather than “ready-to-buy”?

2. Not exclusive – other companies are getting these same leads so we’re competing for the same customer?

3. Expensive – I’m paying between $100 and $200 for each one yet very few turn into appointments, let alone sales?

4. Slow, unreliable, inconsistent – simply not a flow of leads that I can rely on in the future?

5. Website - without build in forms to collect leads

6. No CRM System - Without this, its hard to manage a lot of leads

"How can you support my business?" We receive inquiries like this one quite regularly. It depends, is the answer—a statement that nobody loves to hear. Every website and campaign we create is meticulously put together for each unique situation. The formula for your company's success will include a lot of different factors. Gaining insight into your present procedures, marketing initiatives, and objectives will enable us to create a tailored solution that meets your business's unique requirements. We have assisted hundreds of roofing companies in greatly increasing their online revenue, and we are confident that we can assist you as well!

Takes less then 1 minute!

Its time to do something different.


  • Website Development

  • Qualified Roofing Inspection Generation

  • Reputation Acceleration

  • CRM Software

  • Roofing Consultation

See What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

Impact Roofing Media (Formerly Known as A&A Media)

We provide businesses with Roofing Inspections that are:

Fully Qualified – these people aren’t ‘just looking’, they’re ‘ready-to-buy’ and looking for someone to buy from

Committed – each lead is actually an appointment for you to carry out a roof inspection on their property

Very Low Cost – we get roofing ispections at an 80% below the industry average exclusive – only you get them, they’re not shared with any other roofing companies

Unique – the lead is for your area, was generated specifically for you using your logos, colors, website and business name. It comes from a person who is looking to buy the exact services you’re selling

✔ Quick and Reliable – roofing customers are always there, we locate them and bring them to you.

We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. If not we work for free.

Why Choose Us?

We help you close that sale.

We don’t want to waste a single one of the home/roofing inspection appointments we’ve booked for you.

These appointments are a genuine deal already half-made for you. But we want the home/roof inspection appointment to transform into a sale.

Who exactly is Impact Roofing Media?

We are a specialist roofing leads company that works only with residential roofing companies – and only in the USA. We do not work with any other industry or in any other country, we also have our own roofing company in North Carolina

We use Facebook ads to locate and attract motivated, qualified ‘ready to buy’ roofing customers.

We Are The Best At this – We Really Are!

But it isn’t only us who think so... We have reviews and video testimonials from real American roofing company owners.

They confirm that the leads they get from us are unique, low-cost – and, because they’re actually roof inspection appointments, are much, much easier to convert into paying customers

Cheaper to buy
Quicker to close and
More reliable to supply

Than anything they achieved via Google ads, website leads (eg Angies’ List, Home Advisor etc), radio spots – or any other kind of door-knocking, billboard or leafleting activity.

Those business owners have used our services to turn medium businesses into large businesses

If you are a roofing company owner in the USA we can do for you what we’ve done for them. And you’ll notice the difference from the very first week.

Learn how to grow your business past 7 figures a year!

Here’s the Impact Roofing Media difference:

1.Instead of attracting bargain-seekers by slashing your margins through discounting we help your potential customers realize that you’re a credible, reliable roofing specialist – and they’ll be safe in your hands.

2.We don’t aim for lead quantity, we aggressively pursue lead quality. Our process strips out people who are ‘just looking’ to leave you with booked ‘ready-to-go’ appointments. Removing poor quality leads means you get fewer leads. But these are leads you can actually convert into sales.

3.With smaller numbers of leads – but much higher quality – your conversion rates improve. You’re able to close more sales from fewer sales calls.

4.We want you to close many more deals. So we help you with a structured sales process that helps you move with ease from roof inspection to a closed sale.

5. All your leads and sales activity is handled, tracked and recorded on our website software and our mobile app. You get personal login and view as you want of what we’re doing for you and all the progress.

There’s no time better than now – so let’s start.

We offer a 100% ROI guarantee. If we don't perform you don't pay. Simple as that.

It takes less than 1 minute to begin – please click here.