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Transforming Prospects into Customers with Text Automations

October 19, 20232 min read

The Roofing Revolution: Transforming Prospects into Loyal Customers with CRM Automation


In the ever-competitive roofing industry, the key to success lies not only in providing top-quality services but also in nurturing potential customers effectively. This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with automated SMS text and email campaigns come into play. In this blog, we will discuss why implementing a CRM system with these capabilities is essential and provide a 3-week, 12-step workflow to nurture potential roofing customers.

The Importance of CRM in Roofing

The Importance of CRM in Roofing

1. Organized Prospect Management

A CRM system allows you to centralize all prospect information, ensuring that no lead slips through the cracks. You can maintain a comprehensive database of every interaction, from initial inquiries to follow-up appointments.

2. Automated Appointment Reminders

Automated SMS and email campaigns are like your personal roofing assistant, reminding prospects about inspections and appointments. These gentle nudges reduce no-shows and improve your client relationship.

3. Tailored Nurturing Workflows

Roofing text follow up system

One size doesn't fit all, and CRM systems allow you to create personalized nurturing workflows that cater to the specific needs and timelines of your prospects.

Creating a 3-Week Nurturing Workflow

Week 1: Initial Contact & Qualification

Day 1: Welcome Text

  • Send a warm welcome SMS or email thanking the prospect for their interest.

  • Include a link to a brief survey to gather more information about their roofing needs.

Day 3: Qualification Call

  • Follow up with a personal phone call to understand their roofing requirements.

  • Offer to schedule an inspection.

Week 2: Inspection Scheduling

Day 7: Inspection Confirmation

  • Send a text or email confirming the inspection appointment.

  • Include a helpful checklist for the prospect's preparation.

Day 10: Pre-Inspection Follow-Up

  • Reach out to ensure they have everything ready for the inspection.

  • Offer information about what to expect during the process.

Week 3: Post-Inspection & Future Planning

Day 14: Inspection Recap

  • After the inspection, send a message thanking them for their time.

  • Provide a brief summary of findings and recommendations.

Day 17: Future Roofing Needs

  • Contact them to discuss any roofing repairs or replacements.

  • Offer to schedule a consultation.

Day 21: Long-Term Relationship

  • Send a message expressing your commitment to their roofing needs.

  • Offer to provide regular maintenance and updates.

Beyond Week 3: Continuous Engagement

For prospects who aren't ready for immediate roofing services, maintain ongoing contact through the CRM system:

  • Monthly newsletters with roofing tips and advice.

  • Seasonal reminders about roof maintenance and inspections.

  • Occasional promotions and special offers.


Implementing a CRM system with automated SMS text and email campaigns can transform the way you interact with prospects in the roofing industry. It streamlines prospect management, keeps appointments on track, and nurtures leads over time, converting them into loyal customers. By creating a 3-week, 12-step workflow and maintaining continuous engagement, you'll be well on your way to establishing strong and lasting relationships with potential roofing clients. Adapt, automate, and watch your roofing business thrive.

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Jose Chapol

Impact Roofing Owner servicing North Carolina

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