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Reputation Acceleration

There are numerous components that make up your reputation. From Impact Roofings point of view, we aim to do everything within our power to hasten the development of your reputation and brand. This is the reason we launched our reputation acceleration! Boost your online presence, garner more testimonials and recommendations, and guide customers along the route of your choosing!

Review Automation

Our clients have been asking us how to generate more reviews for years. Many tell us they receive great feedback from customers, but they never follow through on their promise to write a review. Do you recognize this?

As soon as a client modifies their disposition in your CRM, you can easily follow up with them by text and email thanks to our review automation. Texting usually results in a far better level of engagement, particularly when the customer receives the message while your brand is still at the forefront of their mind!

What is the meaning of all this? ADDITIONAL RATINGS FOR YOU

Rocket Fuel for Your SEO

Having a better map and local search ranking will make it more likely that people will find you! Your listings will be accurate and visible on as many platforms as possible thanks to our listings management software.


We want our clients to deliver an unrivaled customer experience to their clients and website visitors. A journey that is consistent with that goal is fostered by webchat. We can handle as many FAQs as we would like when deploying webchat to guarantee that your consumers have immediate access to the information they require.

Their queries will also be synchronized with your Impact app email, enabling you to respond to any additional queries they might have!